About ourselves... My name is John Eldredge and my wife's name is JoAnna. We met at World Outreach Church in Orlando, Florida in 1992 and were married in 1994. We have two boys, ages three and one and a half. My wife and I both attended Christ For The Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas and graduated in the spring of 1998. We majored in missions and both acquired our practical theology degrees. Between the two of us, we have ministered in four countries: El Salvador, Russia, Ecuador and Peru.
Where God is taking us now... Under the leadership of Rick and Bette of Koinonia Apostolic Ministries, we have traveled to South America. High in the Andes mountains is Quito, the capital of Ecuador. Here, we are working under the guidance of David and Kathy Ingman. They are the pastors of Comunidad de Fe (Community of Faith), a very large church with a staff from both Ecuador and Columbia. This fellowship has raised money to build their debt free sanctuary, a house to operate their Christian school, and facilitate a bible school to train their future church leaders. Since 1984 they have established 8 congregations in various locations throughout Ecuador. While based in Quito, our job is to help and encourage the churches. This includes traveling, teaching, and preaching. There are also opportunities to help with the bible school, as well as organize evangelistic outreaches and work with the youth. Our goal is to be as flexible as possible. We are here with an attitude of service, to uphold Pastor Ingman and help fulfill his vision throughout Ecuador. Our personal goal is the evangelism of Ecuador and a firm commitment to real discipleship, so that new Christians will be rooted and well established in their relationship with Christ.
Prayerfully consider.... We are very excited about where God has placed us, and we are looking for people to partner with us and share in the vision. If you have a heart for reaching people, or feel God wants you to be involved with us in this ministry, there are a few ways you can help. Most importantly, we need prayer covering. We need the confidence that comes from knowing that our friends are praying for us and are available for us to bring prayer requests to. We believe that a strong foundation of prayer is powerful and crucial in achieving God's ministry. Also, financial supporters. Our budget for Ecuador is $1200 a month and we will be needing a lot of help with that. We are praying for people who feel led to support us monthly. If you feel God wants you to be a part of this ministry, e-mail us by clicking the icon below and we will mail you our latest newsletter. We are very grateful for the love and support of our friends and family and are excited to enter into this call the Lord had prepared for us. For His Kingdom, John And JoAnna