Our Weapon Against the Enemy
Written by John Eldredge My first opportunity to preached, I spoke on my favorite subject, "The Most Important Thing!" And what's that you ask? To Know Him. Recently, I shared on a subject titled "The Armor of God", which is found in Ephesians, chapter 6. I remember once when a leader from a church in the States told me how he puts on the armor of God every day. He told me that every morning he would put on his helmet of salvation, gird his waist with truth, shod his feet with the gospel of peace, (etc.) and would motioned as if he was actually putting something on. I'm sure he meant well, but you know something? The
devil is real and we are not playing dress up! The only way to put on the helmet of salvation is to BE SAVED. The only way to take up our sword is to KNOW THE WORD OF GOD. If we as Christians do not know what God's word says, then we are like soldiers that have no weapon whatsoever against the enemy. I remember an incident that happen to me when I was a backslidden Christian attending public high school. I was having a discussion with one of my teachers, who made it obvious he was not pro-Christian. Trying to justify something he had done, he told me, "Well, if you go by what the Bible says, if some-
Dear Friends and Family: We landed in our "New World" almost 9 1/2 weeks ago and a lot has happened since then! We are happy to report that our family is adjusting exceptionally well and have successfully settled into our new home. John is already preaching Wednesday nights, and once in a while in the youth services. Next month John will begin teaching in Comunidad de Fe's Bible Institute. Right now he is constructing a web site for Comunidad de Fe under harvestecuador.org. Starting the 23rd of this month, John will be in the jungles of Ecuador! He, along with several members of Comunidad de Fe's ministry team, will be in Coca, Ecuador for 10 days as part of their evangelistic outreach to the Indígines (Indians). Witchcraft is the predominate "religion" there, so we ask that you please join us in prayer - that God will move mightily, with signs and wonders following, and that many Indígines will be radically saved. This month I was blessed to teach twice at a teacher's seminar here in Quito. The first day I taught on "How to Build Christian Character in our Children", the second day on "Biblical Discipline". This September I will be teaching English, Poetry and World History in Comunidad de Fe's bilingual school, Victory Christian Academy. Danny and Davie will be attending Pre-kinder and Nursery part-time at the school while Mommy's at work. We know it takes a WHOLE team to reach the lost for Christ. We're glad to be on that team, and we're glad you are too. If it weren't for people like you, we couldn't be here to do our part. Thanks again for your love and prayers!
Written by JoAnna Eldredge What began as just a strike, ended up nearly bringing about political upheaval. It began when bus and taxi drivers started striking, ironically on July 4th, in protest of Ecuador's soaring gasoline prices. During the governments conflict with strikers, several other factions arose. Each one voicing publicly their disapproval of Ecuador's dismal economic state and of the current president's inability to fix it. If that wasn't enough, thousands of Indígines began their march on the capital of Quito a few days later, demanding social and economic reform to help reverse "all the years of discrimination they had suffered". The Indígines were more radical in their demands than the strikers. They made it known through the media that if their demands were not met, they planned to take down the President and replace him with a leader more sympathetic to their cause. The church here in Ecuador prayed earnestly that the protest would end quickly ... and miraculously it did! We are convinced it was the effectual fervent prayers of the Christians that brought to "nought" the plans of this radical Indígines
group. But there is even better news. In the midst of Ecuador's economic and political turmoil, SOULS ARE BEING WON FOR CHRIST. Due to years of political corruption, the people's hearts in Ecuador have become hard and untrusting. But through the light of the gospel, we have seen many of those hearts change. It doesn't matter the political condition of a country, it is the heart condition that God is ALWAYS more concerned with. Jesus himself ministered during a time of political unrest. The nation of Israel's was under the strong arm of the Roman Empire. But He knew, more than freedom from tyranny, His people needed freedom from their sins and for that reason He came. This is the message that is being preached here in Ecuador. Men may fail us, but God is always faithful and if we will put our trust in Him, we will never be ashamed!
Our Weapon (continued from page 1)
one hurts you, you hurt them back. 'An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth'". I knew that he was wrong, but I didn't know how to answer, because during that time in my life I did not have the word of God in me. But now that I have a intimate relationship with Jesus and have His word abiding in me, I know now what the Word of God says, "It was said of old, 'an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth', but I say unto you, Do not resist your brother." Matthew 5:38. If I had God's Word in me at that time, I would have been able tell that teacher what Jesus really said regarding forgiveness. For this reason the Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 2:15 to, " Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." I sometimes imagine how great it would have been to have shared the Word of God in public school. I don't condemn myself for the past, but I keep that experience in my memory as a way to encourage myself to make a daily effort to continue growing in knowledge of Gods' Word. As Christians we sometimes fail to realize what an important and powerful weapon against the enemy the Word of God is. "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; and is able to judges the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12. As Christians it's imperative that we sharpen our "sword" daily. If we don't, all we carry with us a dull weapon that cannot cut. But when we read the Word daily, our "sword" is sharpened, making our Christian life much more effective.
Written by JoAnna Eldredge Twelve months after announcing an alert, scientist have discovered 6 new craters that have recently formed at the dome of one of Ecuador's 10 northern volcanoes. Mt. Pichincha, which is located just several miles away from the capitol of Ecuador, is one of four Andean volcanoes that surround the city. Scientists say that the appearance of these new craters indicate that the dome of the volcano suffered a debilitating blow within the inner wall. Though there has been no outward activity reported, it is obvious by the new formed craters that there has been some recent activity within the volcano's core. Just this past week, at 3:56 PM, a critical explosion was registered deep within the volcano. A spastic tremor, which lasted 20 minutes, accompanied the explosion. As I felt my sofa shaking beneath me, I wondered, could Quito be experiencing a minor earthquake? My guess was right. According to scientists, at this stage there is no real reason for alarm. As comforting as that is, last week's tremor left quite an impression on many Ecuadorians here in Quito, as well as a couple of missionaries. (smile)
A picture of the craters that have recently formed on Mt. Pichincha.
Special Message: As Christians do you know that we are anointed? Because we have Christ's spirit dwelling in us, we have His same ministry.
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon (us), because he has anointed (us) to preach the gospel to the poor; he has sent (us) to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord."
Luke 4:18,19
We pray that this scripture will be a source of encouragement to you and a reminder that "we have been blessed to be a blessing, and saved to serve others." We pray that all the Lord's blessings will be yours and that you will go out and share them with others. Until All Have Heard, John and JoAnna