Dear Friends and Family: The last few weeks here in Ecuador have been pretty incredible. On January 21st, marches and riots broke out in the streets of downtown Quito. The Indigenous (Indians), along with the military, "violently" took over congress and proceeded to storm the Presidential palace, overthrowing President Majaud in a surprise coup. With the backing of the Indigenous, the military set up rule, then backed down allowing vice-president Naboa to take control of the nation. And all in just one weekend! Admittedly, the outcome could have been a lot worse, but it was God's people standing in the gap that made the difference! But the work is not over. The Word tells us that "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people", (Prov. 14:34). The last part of this scripture is especially true in Ecuador, which is why we pray daily that righteous judgment will prevail in the land. We are happy to report that in the last few months we have seen God move mightily in the lives of people delivering, restoring and blessing, Glory to His name! But there is also a cost to pay when you are in the front line of the battle. It is apparent to us more than ever that it is time for us, the church, to use our God given weapons - THE WORD OF GOD and PRAYER - against the enemy. We must always remember that we are fighting a spiritual battle and that "the weapons of our warfare are NOT carnal, but are MIGHTY THROUGH GOD, to the pulling down of strongholds". Hallelujah! We want to thank all of our supporters for praying and standing in the gap for this ministry. You are making an eternal difference in the lives of people here in Ecuador, South America. Thank you for all your support. We love you! - JoAnna <><