Nehemiah was not of that persuasion however. He made up his mind and nothing would turn him from following God's will. The enemies of Israel did not want Jerusalem rebuilt and tried to distract Nehemiah from the work. They sent messages to him, inviting him to a meeting. Their plan was to kill him. I like Nehemiah's response. Neh. 6:3 "I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?" He refused to get off the wall God called him to build. I have known many people who have been distracted from God's vision. They were definitely called and even knew God's plan, but were distracted by various tools of the enemy. Satan tried to distract me from the vision God gave us while I was at Bible school. I was working at an expensive hotel in Dallas TX (they own the Plaza in New York). One day my boss invited me to his office and began to talk with me. He related how most people take more time to plan one vacation than their whole lives. They make plans to: save money, have enough gas, hotels, time off from work, where to go, what to do, etc. But most people just go through life without a long term plan and just fall into whatever path has least resistance. He then offered me the opportunity to move up into management at the hotel. This was a great opportunity, however it did not fit the vision God had given me. I told him of the plan God had given me for my life. He was surprised, but happy that I had a plan (vision) and was moving towards it. A fellow student at school had a similar experience, but decided to go for the promotion. Promotions are not bad if they are in line with God's vision for your life. If the devil cannot stop you, he will divert you. My friend from school was originally only working to pay for Bible school, but became distracted by "success" and eventually backslid. "Without vision, the people perish." Prob. 29:18 I might add, they also perish when they do not stick with the vision. It is not always easy to follow God's plans. The devil wants to stop us. We have to "press toward the goal…" Phil. 3:13. It takes effort. Find God's will for your life and do not be distracted by ANYTHING. God's plan is the only plan. That's why Jesus said, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few." Matt. 9:37.