discovered that he was a minister and knowing he did not have much money, began to have compassion on him. Though the judge wanted to let him off the hook. He knew because he had taken an oath to uphold the law, he could not just "let it go". The judge explained to Harold that it was his duty to give him a fine. The judge then told Harold Bradenson, "I am going to give you the fine because it's the law … however, I will pay it for you!" This is the true story I told to the restaurant owner and his wife. I explained that this is exactly what Jesus did for us. God cannot accept us into heaven with our sins. Our sins are, in a way, like millions of "traffic tickets" that we are unable to pay, but Jesus has already paid the "fine" of death for us on the cross. I continued explain Jesus' work on the cross and how to receive Him as their Savior and Lord. I admit near the end I did have a little help with a few words in Spanish, but I did the majority of the witnessing in Spanish. Thanks to Jesus, the restaurant owner and his wife DID pray with me to receive Him as their Savior and Lord! That night they both came to the healing service and the restaurant owner was healed of his back problem. The picture below was taken right after he received his healing. Many others were healed and testified during that crusade in Lago Agrio. All the praise goes to God! Since my trip to the jungle, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I have led many more people to the Lord